Picture of Dr Jonathan Burrows

Dr Jonathan Burrows

Dr Jonathan Burrows is an aesthetic Doctor based in Chippenham. He believes in high standards of care within the aesthetic industry and regularly attends training courses to perfect his skills.

Jawline Contouring With Volux

Juvederm Volux Now Available

We now offer this ground-breaking new injectable for chin and jawline contouring and definition. Jawline contouring is a huge beauty trend right now and is predicted to soar. It is also the perfect solution for those who wish to improve the definition of their profile.

How does it work?

The jawline plays a major part in defining your face shape, but as we age we loose skin, bone mass and muscle tone. As a result the jawline  definition reduces. Juvederm Volux contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid and therefore provides more projection and improved jawline contouring. The dermal filler is injected along the jawline, the procedure takes about 30 minutes and causes only very mild discomfort at the injection sites. Volux contains local anaesthetic to enhance the patient’s comfort throughout the treatment. Volux lasts between 18 to 24 months.

Is juvederm Volux the right treatment for me?

The treatment is ideal for any patients who are concerned with the shape of their chin and jawline area. It is not an age-dependent treatment. However, every patient undergoes a detailed analysis to ensure we recommend the correct treatment option for them.

For more information or to book a free consultation, please call 01249 45 45 45.

Are there any side effects?

Due to its high safety rating Juvéderm® Volux treatment effects are generally minimal. Potential side effects could include inflammatory reactions, itching and discolouration or nodules at the injection site. However, these should clear within a few days to a week, with no long-lasting effects.

If you have any further questions please contact us here.

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